

Clinic Receptionist / Billing Manager

Dawn has 25 plus years experience in medical office administration and physiotherapy assisting. 

Dawn is a very large asset to the Podium team.  Her work ethic contributes immensely to the team environment.  We can’t begin to describe how much we value Dawn as an important part of our crew.

Dawn spends  majority of her days behind the desk managing our schedules, direct billing, verterans affairs and motor vehicle accident protocols. Daily she continues to fulfill all duties behind the scenes with intelligence, efficiency and a smile!

Our clinic would not run they way it does without Dawn. Although she does not want the title, she is our QUEEN, and we strive to make sure she enjoys her environment.

Dawn is a pleasure to work alongside, while her dedication and work ethic are admirable! Our whole enviroment and workplace is better with Dawn, she adds fun and excitement to our team.