Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncturist

As a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP) and Acupuncturist (R.AC) in Ontario, Hanna is formally educated in the best university of TCM in Beijing, China. She has got her Ph.D. in TCM herb research and supervised by the most famous professor from China in her precision acupuncture training. She has accumulated over ten years of experience in acupuncture in China and Canada, Hanna’s treatment has shown proven improvement in all kinds of pain relieving, anxiety and post-surgery recovery Her approaches includes but is not limited to:

1. Needling the acupoints which are located in the receptor area of neuro-hormones to up-regulate the endorphins to control pain.

2. Acupressure combined with precision acupuncture to reduce the tension in fascia causing nerve compression creating pain.

3. Cupping to refresh blood supply to body parts corresponding to organs and tissues and to restore their function.

4. Moxibustion and meridian Scraping to restore body vital energy (Qi) flow and turn on its own self-healing mechanisms.

5. Using the electromagnetic heating lamp as an assistance to relax stiff muscles and to diminish inflammation.

Hanna has been manifesting the professionalism of helping people in such needs using her lifelong TCM skills. Un-fasten the knot and Re-balance the net! Hanna is a joy to work alongside as a wealth of knowledge and wonderful team collaborator. We are grateful to work with Hanna as part of our team.